The Main Street District Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit, community-based organization that represents the Town of Newmarket’s downtown Main Street business community.

The BIA works to improve and promote Main Street District Business Improvement area through investment and advocacy to maintain its position as Newmarket’s premier shopping, business, and entertainment destination.

The BIA was established in July 2006 with the assistance of the Town of Newmarket.

To Develop

To develop, encourage and promote business in the Main St. Newmarket Business Improvement Area

To Make

To make studies of, and advance any project, plan, or improvement designed to benefit the Main St. Newmarket Business Improvement Area

To Cooperate

To cooperate with and aid any person, body, group, or association in projects designed to benefit the Main St. Newmarket Improvement

To Promote

To promote matters of common concern and interest to businesses and property owners in the Main St. Newmarket Business Improvement Area

BIA Resources

Agendas and Minutes

How to Join the Discussion and Get Involved

For more information on the Board’s Terms of Reference or agendas and minutes, contact Legislative Services at 905-953-5300 or e-mail

For more information on economic development initiatives in the Town of Newmarket contact the Economic Development Officer at 905-953-5300, e-mail or visit the Economic Development page.

We are committed to responding to the needs of an accessible community. This extends to our website. If you require an alternative format for documents on this site, please contact us.

Contact the BIA